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The Shredder: 

Efficient Metal Recycling for a Sustainable Future

Our advanced shredding technology allows us to efficiently process large pieces of scrap metal, such as end-of-life vehicles and appliances, breaking them down for re-melting and reuse.

How Our Shredder Works


Receipt & Sorting of Materials

Accepted materials are sorted and prepared for shredding. We process items like depolluted cars and household appliances (white goods).

Infeed & Shredding

Sorted scrap is loaded onto the infeed conveyor and fed into the shredder. Our cutting-edge hammermill breaks down the metal into smaller, manageable pieces.

Separation of Metals

Shredded materials are separated into two primary streams:

Ferrous Metals:

Cleaned and sorted, ready for shipment to steel mills.

Non-Ferrous Metals:

Sent for further processing at our facility, ensuring nothing goes to waste.

What Can Be Shredded?

We accept a variety of scrap metal for shredding, including:
Depolluted Cars
Household Appliances (without capacitors, batteries, or refrigerants)
Light Gauge Scrap Metal

What Cannot
Be Shredded?

Certain materials are not accepted in the shredder, including:
Hazardous Materials
Compressed Gas Cylinders (unless punctured)
Fuel Tanks (un-punctured)

Why Shredding Matters

Shredding metal is vital for recycling and contributes to a circular economy. It allows materials to be reused as raw materials, reduces landfill waste, and helps conserve natural resources. Shredded metals are critical for sustainable manufacturing and energy conservation.

Partner with a company backed by 50+ years of experience in scrap 
metal recycling.

Contact Richmond Steel Recycling 
to Discuss Your Project Today

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