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Mining Industry

How to Mitigate Key Safety Risks: Building Demolition of Mines, Oil & Gas Facilities

Some careers are much riskier than others: stuntman, rodeo, volcano tour guide. Unfortunately, that list of high-risk careers also includes almost every job related to the mining, quarrying, and oil and gas industry. In 2021, the fatal injury rate for the mining industry overall was 14.2 per 100,000 full-time workers. [...]
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Lead disposal: How to dispose of lead.

Mar 17, 2020
Lead disposal has been happening since 4,000 BC, as discovered when ancient figurines were found in Egypt. Little did people know, their ornaments contained a material that would become a controversial global resource. The uses of this metal evolved as people recognized its malleability. Over time, and especially during periods such as the Industrial Revolution, […]

Landfill: Why we need to reuse recyclable waste

Jan 30, 2020
Imagine you are standing near Calgary’s West Village Tower, Toronto’s The Monde or Vancouver House - but couldn’t see the tops of them because all our recyclable waste was sent to landfills. Okay, maybe our garbage dumps aren’t going to start obscuring our skyscrapers any time soon, but one of the world’s biggest landfill sites […]
Scrap Industry GPS Tracking

Phone apps, GPS tracking and the scrap metal industry

Jan 21, 2020
You can track a parcel being sent from the depot to your front door and even fast food from the kitchen to your table - but surely such technology isn’t needed for your garbage and in the scrap metal industry?  The reality is most people probably don’t worry whether the aluminum can they put in […]
scrap metal value

This is how giving scrap metal value by recycling can help save the planet

Jan 07, 2020
We live in a throwaway society, so does it matter if we don’t give scrap metal value and just put it in the garbage bin? It used to be a commonly held view that we can put our trash in a hole in the ground and just forget about it, but this attitude is not […]
Bronze Statue

When did the metal recycling industry start?

Dec 20, 2019
A discovery off Israel’s coast illustrates how the metal recycling industry dates back more than 1,600 years to Roman times. Onboard a shipwreck found by divers in 2016 were metal statues of a sun god, moon goddess and whale along with other figurines and coins. The significance of this find to archeologists was that bronze […]
Demolition Waste

Demolition waste: Recycling some of our buildings

Nov 18, 2019
Montreal’s Seville Theatre once hosted Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra, but like other once-great buildings, such as the old Toronto Star headquarters and Laurentian Hotel in Quebec, it became nothing more than demolition waste. In the past year, the once revolutionary Empire Landmark Hotel has also disappeared after dominating the Vancouver skyline since 1973  […]
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