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Mining Industry

How to Mitigate Key Safety Risks: Building Demolition of Mines, Oil & Gas Facilities

Some careers are much riskier than others: stuntman, rodeo, volcano tour guide. Unfortunately, that list of high-risk careers also includes almost every job related to the mining, quarrying, and oil and gas industry. In 2021, the fatal injury rate for the mining industry overall was 14.2 per 100,000 full-time workers. [...]
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garbage picker

How recycling aluminum cans changes lives

Nov 06, 2019
Around the white sands of Copacabana and Ipanema beaches in Rio de Janeiro as the sun beats down and surfers mill on the water’s edge, you will find no scrap left out on the streets and walkways, because recycling aluminum cans has become a way of life here. Those who quickly collect any trash that […]
Aluminum Radiators

What type of metal do I have?

Oct 29, 2019
Metal is everywhere - in the kitchen in pots and pans and knives and forks, in chairs, automobiles, bicycles, airplanes and road signs. But the type of metal you find in different items varies wildly, such as what a beverage can is made up of compared to a house - and so does the value. […]
Aluminum Cans

The circular economy: Do aluminum cans really last forever?

Oct 18, 2019
If you ever feel like your life resembles Groundhog Day, as you repeat the same things over and over and over again, then maybe you have more in common with aluminum cans than you imagined. Singer Joni Mitchell pitched life as going “round and round and round in the circle game”, but if it’s the […]
Recycling Bin Street

Could the benefits of aluminum recycling help cans replace plastic bottles in Canada?

Oct 04, 2019
The Canadian government wants to ban harmful, single use plastic by 2021, which could lead to a huge increase in aluminum recycling and a change in how we buy water, Coca Cola, Pepsi and other soft drinks. There are many problems with plastic. Unlike aluminum, which is collected by companies such as Richmond Steel Recycling […]
Non-Ferrous Scrap metal being sorted

A Deeper Look Into Fluctuating Scrap Metal Prices

Sep 19, 2019
Scrap metal is essential to the Canadian economy. But dealing in the scrap metal market can be unpredictable, due to a number of factors that cause prices to fluctuate constantly. We break down some further complex reasons why the value of scrap metal recycled by companies like Richmond Steel Recycling change so frequently.  Ferrous and […]
Scrap Metal Construction

Why Do Scrap Metal Prices Fluctuate?

Sep 04, 2019
Canadian recyclers process over 16 million tonnes of scrap metal each year, making it the largest sector within the recycling market. But dealing in the scrap metal market isn’t always easy because of the commodity’s fluctuating prices. Values can change from day to day, so scrap yard managers keep an eye on market prices at […]
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