Lead Paint Removal: Our Hazardous Waste Disposal & Abatement Process During Demolition

If you lived in the 1800’s, there’s a good chance your bedroom wallpaper would have contained arsenic. Those toxic ink particles and vapors would lazily float through the air, and slowly accumulate inside your body. It wouldn’t have been long before you joined the growing list of mysterious illnesses being [...]

The ever changing field of metal recycling : A conversation with industry expert – Richmond Steel Recycling’s President – Harbinder Dhillon

In today’s modern world, industries must adopt new technologies and practices to ensure they are able to remain competitive and relevant. Although the metal recycling industry is one that operates on a lot of the traditional practices, it too has had to modernize. In this blog, we had the opportunity [...]

Unveiling the World of Industrial Demolition: An Interview with Sebastien Rosner, VP, and GM of Richmond Steel Recycling

The industrial demolition industry is a captivating realm, filled with thrills, challenges, and remarkable transformations. Richmond Steel Recycling (RSR), a prominent name in this dynamic field, stands out for its unwavering dedication to safety and sustainability. Unknown to many, RSR has its own Field Services division, which focuses on industrial [...]
