The Valuable Metals & Materials That Can Be Recovered From Your Mine, Refinery or Power Plant

If you’re an archaeologist, you get to jump into tombs and find forgotten treasures. If you’re a geologist, you get to break open geodes and uncover hidden gems.  And if you’re Richmond Steel, you get to salvage buildings and recover valuable metals. (We don’t always feel like Indiana Jones, but [...]

Unveiling the World of Industrial Demolition: An Interview with Sebastien Rosner, VP, and GM of Richmond Steel Recycling

The industrial demolition industry is a captivating realm, filled with thrills, challenges, and remarkable transformations. Richmond Steel Recycling (RSR), a prominent name in this dynamic field, stands out for its unwavering dedication to safety and sustainability. Unknown to many, RSR has its own Field Services division, which focuses on industrial [...]

David Luu on the Dynamic World of Metal Recycling: Challenges, Trends, and RSR’s Vision

In the ever-evolving landscape of the metal recycling industry, professionals like David Luu find themselves at the forefront of a dynamic and challenging sector. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with David to gain insights into what makes this industry so exciting, unique, and the driving forces that [...]

Exploring the Ever Evolving World of Metal Recycling: A Conversation with Industry Expert John Rai

In an era where environmental consciousness and sustainable practices take centre stage, industries that contribute to the circular economy have gained unprecedented attention. One such industry, often operating quietly but with immense impact, is the metal recycling sector. In this insightful discussion, we sat down with John Rai, Vice President [...]

National Indigenous Peoples Day

June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day here in Canada. Richmond Steel Recycling would like to join and pay homage to the rich history and countless contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples of Canada and North America.We operate in numerous communities across British Columbia and Alberta, so [...]

What do Richmond Steel, the Evolution of Junk, and the Library of Congress have in common?

As a modern metals recycling facility, Richmond Steel Recycling (RSR) processes thousands of tons of recyclable metals every month.  From its earliest beginnings in the 1960s and early 1970s, it was focused on recycling what modern society at the time termed “junk.”  The word “junk” was very much a part [...]
