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Mining Industry

How to Mitigate Key Safety Risks: Building Demolition of Mines, Oil & Gas Facilities

Some careers are much riskier than others: stuntman, rodeo, volcano tour guide. Unfortunately, that list of high-risk careers also includes almost every job related to the mining, quarrying, and oil and gas industry. In 2021, the fatal injury rate for the mining industry overall was 14.2 per 100,000 full-time workers. [...]
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HR Employee Spotlight #2 - Don Mayhew

Sep 21, 2022
Richmond Steel Recycling would be nothing without it's people. Our various members mean so much to us and we are constantly looking for ways to strengthen our team. This month, we are proud to present you all with our employee spotlight, Don Mayhew. Congratulations on the wonderful work Don, Richmond Steel is so very lucky […]

Employee Spotlight #1 - Tayla Raschella Gawley

Aug 30, 2022
The human resources team at Richmond Steel Recycling is always looking for news ways to engage the various members of our team. We've come up with the bi-monthly employee spotlight, which gives members of staff the opportunity to share a little bit about their experience with us. This month we are proud to present you […]

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Jun 21, 2022
June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day here in Canada. Richmond Steel Recycling would like to join and pay homage to the rich history and countless contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples of Canada and North America.We operate in numerous communities across British Columbia and Alberta, so we pay our respect to […]

Recycling Sustains Manufacturing

Oct 07, 2021
Sims Metal is celebrating National Manufacturing Day to raise awareness of the critical role recycling plays in manufacturing and the circular economy. By collecting and recycling scrap metal, and other materials, Sim Metal transforms waste into new resources that are reintroduced into the production chain and manufactured into new products. According to the Institute of Scrap […]
Scrap Metal Stockpile in Richmond Yard

What do Richmond Steel, the Evolution of Junk, and the Library of Congress have in common?

Feb 24, 2021
As a modern metals recycling facility, Richmond Steel Recycling (RSR) processes thousands of tons of recyclable metals every month.  From its earliest beginnings in the 1960s and early 1970s, it was focused on recycling what modern society at the time termed “junk.”  The word “junk” was very much a part of the daily vernacular at […]
global warming - glacier melting

Does recycling really do anything to reduce global warming?

Mar 27, 2020
Recycling can help reduce global warming — but how, exactly, is still a lesson many people around the world are learning. Svante Arrhenius published his scientific theory of global warming in 1896. He suggested that the earth’s atmosphere was becoming polluted, and that the pollutants were trapping sunlight rather than releasing it back into space. […]
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