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HR Employee Spotlight #2 - Don Mayhew

Richmond Steel Recycling would be nothing without it's people. Our various members mean so much to us and we are constantly looking for ways to strengthen our team. This month, we are proud to present you all with our employee spotlight, Don Mayhew. Congratulations on the wonderful work Don, Richmond Steel is so very lucky to have you! 🤩

We asked Don the following questions, take a peak at his answers:

RSR: What has been your experience with our company? Years of work? Different positions?

Don: I started in 2000 as a contractor. I was then hired at the Prince George yard as a burner, operator. Transferred to Richmond yard as a shear crane operator in 2004, left for 1 year then called back as I enjoy people, working at the different yard and going on the road for jobs.

RSR: How is your team?

Don: The original yard team was very dedicated with the people that knew the job. As time progressed and they retired the people change more often but for the most part it seems to work.

RSR: What improvements have you seen within yourself after joining RSR?

Don: I've learned over the years with different supervisors and yard managers how I can use my experience and skills to do good, but not judge others that aren't experienced, without losing my temper.

RSR: Who do you think is your biggest inspiration in our company?

Don: I am very dedicated and prefer to do things the right way. I also have some very good co workers who I can call my friends.

RSR: How have you grown professionally after joining our team?

Don: I have over the last while. I was given an opportunity to be a trainer, which I didn't think I could do, but it worked out. I really enjoy going places and helping. I could see myself doing more as time goes on.

RSR: What resources and benefits do you like within the company?

Don: Over the years the Sims scholarship program helped both of my step kids in school and for the most part if we need something, they will help.

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Don Mayhew features as Richmond Steel Recycling employee spotlight. He is featured with a shear crane at the Richmond yard.
Don Mayhew with a shear crane in the Richmond yard.
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